The Mighty Quads
30 Minute Weekly Franklin Method® Classes
The quads are the strongest muscles in the body only rivaled by the glutes. I don't know about you, but mine try to work all the time. In this class, get to know your quads, learn to move them more efficiently and get them to release some tension.
Up Next in 30 Minute Weekly Franklin Method® Classes
The Sartorius-Gives You Attitude!
The Sartorius-Gives You Attitude! WHAT! Talking about the ballet position to the front, this muscle gets you into that position. It also plays an important part in the bone rhythms of the pelvis and tibia. Watch this video for a more freed up squat or plie!
Embodying the Lungs in Basic Movement
Move your lungs in the basic directions of flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation and feel the difference in breath, posture and much more. Through imagery movement free your movement, help break up any adhesions or feeling of stickiness and tone those organs!
Embodying the Lobes of the Lungs in B...
Move the lobes of the lungs in the basic directions of flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation and feel the difference in breath, posture and much more. Through imagery, free your movement, help break up any adhesions or feeling of stickiness and tone those organs! Includes embodying the...