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The Muscles of the Feet as a Dynamic Sling

30 Minute Weekly Franklin Method® Classes • 31m

Up Next in 30 Minute Weekly Franklin Method® Classes

  • The Dynamic Sling of the Feet and the...

    Continue to find more "spring" in your step by adding the imagery of the Peroneals with the Tibilas Posterior "bobbing" their respecitve bones.

  • The Gait Cycle

    Are you a pronator or a supinator? Do you know? In this video, learn about your gait cycle to understand better how you walk. This also includes some movement of the pelvis and upper body to create a more effecient and smoother gait.

  • The Mighty Quads

    The quads are the strongest muscles in the body only rivaled by the glutes. I don't know about you, but mine try to work all the time. In this class, get to know your quads, learn to move them more efficiently and get them to release some tension.